Category Archives: Finding Balance

The Beauty of My Shadow

I am in pseudo-training to get back to my pre-baby mileage in preparation for my marathon training which starts in January.I am post-baby by almost four months now and some days I just don’t feel like I’m making any progress. Then there are days like Saturday where something amazing feels like it’s happening. I can’t fully describe what happened on my 5-mile run, but I know it was an awakening of sorts.

It was a route I’ve done a million times and the same songs in my playlist for at least a year. I expected to feel as I usually do. Knee pain until mile one…boredom by mile 3…negative self talk until the end. None of that happened…well except the knee pain. After a mile it’s warmed up.

As each foot hit the pavement (one of my favorite sounds) I connected with the world around me and the universe surrounding it. I became ever present without dwelling on my life, work and other stresses. I somehow went beyond my normal cluttered mind and found peace.

I know this sounds all well and fine, but it’s a big deal for me. You see, I am a thinker and highly intelligent. My thought processes are extremely fast and often jump very quickly between topics and feelings. While this is productive in most of my life and keeps me very organized, it also means I am very rarely just relaxing or at peace.

As I became aware of my awareness I realized it was my internal and mental strength and openness that was allowing this to happen. I pride myself on my strength- physical, mental and emotional- but it seems the chink in my armor has always been my self-confidence and self-perception.

As I got to each mile, I surprised myself at how quickly the time had passed. Before I knew it my run was over and my body was spent- yet still I mentally and emotionally wanted more. It was in that moment that I quietly told myself that I knew…KNEW…I would complete that marathon. Not only will I run it, but I will relish my crossing of the finish line regardless of my time or aching body.

As the night wore on the worry and rationality start to kick in. What if this run was a fluke? What if it was only the weather or…something? Then I reminded myself how I soared and though I logged at a slower pace than I thought I was going…I ran strong.

Every day…every difficult moment…every run from this day forward I will remember the moment I mistaken myself for beauty.

I have these moments all the time about my husband and hopefully I’m not alone in these little moments of flight. I caught a glance at my shadow while I was out on the road and thought “Wow! She’s beautiful! I can’t to be a hard core runner like that.” In a blink I realized that shadow was mine. A few moments later and hiding the embarrassment I felt…I smiled a secret smile and realized I wasn’t striving to be a smokin’ hot momma.

I was already there.

mentally strong

ran faster than I thought

found my beauty


Filed under Beauty, Exercise, Finding Balance, Uncategorized

Awesome Printables Sites

As I was sitting here blogging about the deals of the day I had my kindergartener behind me playing around while he was supposed to be doing his tracing homework. The two little boys were at the table messing around while they were supposed to be drawing. So, I thought, what if I found them a tracing page to work with. I don’t expect much from the two year old, but the 3 1/2 year old can start learning to write his name.

I did a quick search of tracing printables and can up with two sites that just made it onto my bookmarks bar.

I first found this site with a general search for tracing pages. They offer a wide variety of tracing and other printables for young children.


After a more detailed search I found this site where you can instantly customize the tracer pages you want. Cha-ching! You can choose from block, script or learning letters. Simple input the text you want and it puts up to four of the text on a page for you to print. LOVE IT! I did the names of my younger two so they can sit down and practice while their big brother is doing his homework.

KidZone also offer pre-designed pages of all kinds and has a sort feature that allows you to find age appropriate materials.

Check out some of my other favorite Rainy Day Printableshere.


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Filed under Crafts & Games, Family, Finding Balance

How have your goals and aspirations changed since having kids? My Personal Story

I’ve been sitting on this question for a long time letting it sit in my drafts folder. Obviously there have been changes…all of us have changed our goals with the arrival of our children. In my opinion, more moms than dads make major changes. I have a variety of goals and they changed throughout the years even before I had children. You see I have Bi-Polar and because I refused to treat it until after my second child was born, I swung between major depression (in my first marriage and following relationship) to sky high mania (in my partying single years).

In my high school years I was a yearbook editor and member of the newspaper staff. I wanted to immediately go to college for my love of baking. My local community college has a great culinary program and it’s a cheap way to get pre-req’s out of the way before transferring to a four year. Once there I decided to switch my major to Criminal Justice. I wanted to go into law enforcement.

The more classes I took, the more I knew it was my passion. My ultimate goal was to either because a defense attorney or a member of the FBI’s BSU. I know they seem completely different, but it was either catch serial killers or defend battered women. You can see how they are actually a bit related. It’s all about taking the bad guys off the streets and out of your homes.

I was able to do a few good years, good grades and all that. When my first marriage started to go downhill so did my mental health. I was depressed, drinking all the time and missing a lot of school. When I found out he was having multiple affairs, I tried to kill myself. Then I met someone new and moved out. Aside from my current marriage that rebound relationship was my best ever. He was amazing and, unfortunately, was not in a place to be amazing for him. I was in such a bad place that, despite his support and love, I tried to kill myself again. He couldn’t take the pain and drama. That was that.

I spent a couple more years partying, drinking and use drugs. I met another guy while I was in the midst of my partying/self-medicating. He seemed nice enough- don’t they all at first. Needless to say, school did not continue. Long, painful story short- I moved to Vegas with him and it quickly became violent….horribly violent.

I finally got the courage to leave and flew home. My sister moved back to Vegas with me and helped me move my stuff out while he was at work. Unfortunately, we couldn’t quite hold it together. We were homeless, partying and modeling- I know…

Finally we threw in the towel and decided to come home to Oregon with the intentions of pulling together some money and heading back down. The day I got off the plane I met my now husband. It was instant. He needed me and I needed to feel worthy. We quickly bonded and through the first three dramatic, drug induced months. At the end of what we kindly refer to as THAT summer, we decided it was time for a ‘real’ life together.

Obviously, I had no real goals or aspirations at this time and finishing college seemed impossible. We got pregnant with our first child one month after getting clean and sober. My hubby quickly nixed the idea of law enforcement because of safety issues. I agreed.

Now after 6 years together, 6 years of being sober and four children it’s been a long, beautiful journey with him. And yet, I feel like I am still searching for my true self. I started freelancing as a writer when I was pregnant with our oldest because we decided my staying home was the right decision for our family. Though we’ve had a rough year (that’s a whole other post), it’s still the best choice for us.

I know have my own Internet marketing company that I run from the chaos that is my living room. My goals are now to grow my business while I grow my children. Do I still think about my former aspirations of law enforcement? Of course, but I wouldn’t trade my new life for anything. Do I want to finish college? Not really. I would love the sense of accomplishment, but it’s not necessary in an industry built on reputation…besides I definitely don’t want to add to my student loan debt.

What about you?

How have your goals and aspirations changed since having kids?



Filed under Depression, Family, Finding Balance, Juggling Life, Parenting, Uncategorized, Work at Home

Back on the Road: Week One

I shared with you all a few days ago my passion for running and first week back out on the road post-baby via c-section. I have to say it was an embarrassingly rough week. I did anywhere between 1.8-2 miles most days. After my runs I felt downright nauseous. I am so angry at my body for not providing the joy I felt running 10 miles only a few months ago. I try to be patient, but not my best trait when it comes to my personal expectations.

I know part of the problem is running in the heat. I trained for my half during the summer and it was intense.

Total Miles Logged Last Week: 8.08

About 2.45 of those was a recovery walk. I know how important rest days are unfortunately I ended up with one yesterday which would have been a run day. Busy summer plans will do that.

Pre-baby I was a 10 minute mile girl and now I am averaging 12 minute miles. It’s a little frustrating, but definitely going to work on speed as I work on distance.

I just joined the Degree on the Move Challenge to keep my going for the next month.

Getting back out there tomorrow and will check in at the end of the week. Hoping to shave a little time and push a little length.



Filed under Exercise, Finding Balance, Health and Fitness, Uncategorized

What form of exercise do you enjoy the most?

I. Am. A. Runner.

I say it with pride, conviction and a sense of peace.

I ran into my 5th month of pregnancy and during my first trimester was still running six miles during the week and eight miles on Saturdays. As my pregnancy progressed and my ligaments loosened I ran less and less…soon not at all. The rest of my pregnancy was tough and eventually forced me into a life of no exercise. This was really tough. Before that I was in major weight loss mode. DVD’s at home, gym in the evenings and running always. In my first trimester (before I knew I was preggers) I lost 13 pounds in one month.

Now post-baby by 6 weeks I am trying to get back out there. My third run was last night and though I am only putting in 1.7 mile runs I am shaving time each run. My pace is slower than usual, my stamina is embarrassing- but I will prevail.

I am one of those. I love to run.

I love the sound of my shoes hitting the pavement.

I love putting in my earbuds and drowning out the world around me.

I love the sun on my shoulders.

I love the smell of the gardens I pass.

I love the freedom.

I love the time away from my kids.

I love the aches and pains that come when you really push yourself.

I love taking the stress of my day and leaving it all out on the asphalt.

Running is my Mommy Therapy and a hell of a lot cheaper than a psychologist.

I have set a goal. A serious goal…

I will run the Eugene Marathon in May 2012.

I set this goal during my pregnancy knowing I would miss both half marathons this year. I completely my first half marathon last year in September and wanted a redo to shave some time off my finishing time.

Right now I am working to get back to where I want and come January I will switch into full on training mode. I love sharing this piece of myself with you and would love to take you on my journey through my posts.

I will give you updates on Sunday’s to share how I did and keep myself going when the road is mean and my body hurts.

Thanks for listening! 🙂

What form of exercise do you enjoy the most?

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Filed under Exercise, Finding Balance, Health and Fitness, Juggling Life, Meditation, Uncategorized

Two Great Hauls!

Yesterday I went to Walgreens to finally pick up some things on last weeks sale. So glad I made it down there. I end up with quite the haul for $30 and walked out with $6 in RR for this week.

  • (8) mandarin oranges
  • (4) Red Baron pizza
  • (3) Infusium hair care
  • (2) Dove+Men body wash
  • (4) Dove+Men deodorant
  • (2) Dove+Men Active shower tool
  • (1) Johnson & Johnson baby wash
  • (1) Johnson & Johnson baby lotion
  • (4) Hyland teething gel
  • (3) boxes plastic cutlery

I ran into Safeway this morning for newspapers and cinnamon rolls and decided to just do my list since it was already prepared and not very long. I did grab a couple of food items (B2G1 cheese was a great deal and it freezes well)- but my greatest honor was 10 bottles of Herbal Essence products for $5.90 and 6 packages of Carefree pantiliners for $0.34!

The list for next week is fairly short as well, but there are a couple of things I want to pick up like Weber Seasoning at Safeway for $0.49 each with double coupon.

My shopping this week will be dedicated to birthday party prep for my 5 year old. I do my loved pulled pork for this party every year and new baby or not can’t let them down. I will be consumed with purchasing enough pork to feed 40 people and the craziness that goes with it.

Did you score any amazing deals last week? What are your plans for this week?

Don’t forget our newest giveaway is running now through the end of the month. For all the details, go here.

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Filed under Couponing, Family, Finding Balance, Giveaway, Health and Fitness, Household Products, Juggling Life, Other Shopping

July Giveaway!

Here it is, the July Giveaway is ready! I have two amazing ebooks to share with the winner to enjoy. I have ready both of these and the wealth of information in them is unparalleled. The partnership of the two seemingly different topics is a brilliant mix of two important areas of our lives.

eBook #1: Extreme Couponing 101 by Mercedes Levy

This short and to the point eBook take a novice to an expert in 30 pages. She gives information on the basics such as:

  • Organization
  • Couponing at Supermarkets
  • Couponing at Drugstores
  • Advanced Strategies
  • Debunking Myths
  • And Much More!

eBook #2: Women & Money by Suze Orman

Suze Orman is a world-known financial guru and specializes in getting women off the couch and in gear. She talks not only about finances, but also preparing for the future and the preparation for your passing. She approaches tough topics and makes them manageable, even providing resources to get the job done.

This extensive eBook goes through topics including:

  • Save Yourself: A Plan of Action
  • The 8 Qualities of Wealthy Women
  • You Are Not For Sale
  • And Much More!
Enter to win and share with your friends!

~The Giveaway~

One reader is going to win a copy of Extreme Couponing 101 eBook by Mercedes Levy & Women & Money by Suze Orman. Giveaway Open To US and Canada. One entry per household!

~Main Entry Requirement~

Tell me your latest coupon savings below in the comment area. This is required to enter, any entries that do not complete this step will be removed.

~Earn Extra Entries~

These can be completed after the required entry is completed. For each addition entry completed, comment with entry method and share any link, if applicable.

Become a Facebook fan or Subscribe via email. (1 entry each)

Share this giveaway on your facebook wall DAILY. (2 entries, comment twice with link)

Leave a comment on any non-giveaway post. (2 entries each)

Follow @CouponingForSix on twitter and tweet about this giveaway. May tweet three times daily at least 1 hour apart. (Tweets must be posted at time of tweet and url must be posted below.)

#Giveaway! Win two essential couponing eBooks from @CouponingForSix h #coupons #shopping #savemoney

Content Ends: July 31st, 2011



Filed under Couponing, Family, Finding Balance, Giveaway, Other Shopping, Uncategorized

Givin’ Couponing a BAD Name

Couponing is already tough with the popularity of Extreme Couponing show and the massive influx of couponers hitting the stores, but the horrifying display I witnessed in my local Wags on Friday was absolutely disgusting.

The irony is I had chatted with these ladies only a few minutes before in the laundry aisle. They seemed nice enough, but as with some couponers, they turned ugly at the register.

The showdown went like this: The ladies wanted to use a BOGO coupon on a BOGO sale. While this was something Wags was doing in the past, they, like MANY other stores, have changed their policy on this. The beauty department head was calmly explaining this change in policy, but the women kept interrupting her which clearly was leading to frustration.

Lesson #1: ALWAYS know your store coupon policy ESPECIALLY when they make changes. And a lot of stores are currently making changes. 

As an argument ensues the women seemed to be looking at other people in line (which had accumulated by then) for back up or sympathy- which they were not getting. When a woman did interject asking the women to please watch their language around her 4 year old daughter they turned on her. Suddenly her daughter was regarded as a “unruly brat” and that the woman “should just go somewhere else”.

I never saw the child in question move from her location next to her mother once I was in line with my 2 year old.

The confrontation continued to the point of the primary shopper becomes physically hostile and throwing product at the cashier. They demanded a supervisor and the cashier left to find her. Eventually they were pacified- though should have been tossed out on their asses in my humble opinion.

Lesson #2: Be nice for Pete’s sake. If you work with the cashier and management to better understand the situation you will be welcome when you come back. Once a tyrant, always perceived a tyrant. 

I was not in line for the actual abusive scene or I may have lost it. You don’t want to piss off an extremely pregnant woman. lol The entire situation was out of control and a prime example of what couponers should NOT do! With all the negative publicity couponers are getting a bit of the stink eye no matter how cordial they are.

To be a responsible and respected couponer you need to know the policies, treat store employees with respect and follow Coupon Etiquette.

Have you seen a scene? Did you jump in or lay low? Have you ever experienced couponer prejudice? 


Filed under Couponing, Family, Finding Balance, Juggling Life, Other Shopping, Uncategorized

A Tidbit of the Week to Come

I won’t be doing any major shopping until after Wednesday, but I did spend the day mapping out my shopping for later this week. I was able to finangle a few amazing deals with my tiny little $25 budget for today. There are some amazing deals going on at Wags this week, so be on the lookout for my post about that at the end of the week.

The wanted to make sure I stopped in at Safeway since their ad ends on Tuesday to get the couple of things I just couldn’t pass up this week.


I only stopped in for a quick peek of what will come. While, my list will be much longer toward the end of the week, my store’s new enforced limit of 4 for sale items per day, per customer I know I need to stop in throughout the week for stock up items.

Today I got….

  • (4) cans of Pringles Super Stack ($0.67 ea after $2 RR WYB4)
  • (4) cans of Arizona Tea ($0.50 ea)
  • (1) Reach toothbrush twin pack (free after RR)

Total OOP was $8.99 and I got $4 in RR to take back next time.

Since this was a short trip I want to take a moment to break it down for you. Wags (and other drug stores) will, by far, take the most amount of time to get through, but where you will often find the deepest savings.)

Pringles Super Stacks

  • Sale Price: 4/$6 (or $1.50 ea)
  • Coupon: $1/3 ( found in 6/26 RP)
  • Generates $2 in RR WYB 4
  • Final OOP: $0.62 per can

When calculating your out of pocket you want to include the Register Rewards even though they do not count toward that transaction because they are like in-store cash and will help you save on a later transaction.

With the Reach toothbrushes, go for the twin pack because they’re the same price as the singles and you can use the coupon on ANY reach toothbrush. 

I grabbed a Reach toothbrush twin pack on sale for $2.99 and used a $1 off coupon. I paid #$1.99 initial out of pocket and received a $2RR. When you break it down the twin pack was FREE- I get two toothbrushes for FREE 🙂


There wasn’t much I saw that I needed this week and the new ad will roll over before I do my major shopping next week, but there were a couple of things I wanted to stop in for.

I bought…

  • (4) Pints Ben & Jerrys Ice Cream ($1.49 ea)
  • (6) Bags Goldfish Crackers ($0.82 ea)
  • (6) Idahoan Instant Mashed Potatoes (0.74 ea)
  • (2) Packets Country Gravy ($0.79 ea)

Total OOP: $17.29


Here’s another example of how it works:

Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream- One Pint (I bought four)

  • Sale Price: 3.49
  • Price with In-Ad Coupon” $2.49
  • Minus $1 off manufacturers coupon
  • Final Price: $1.49

Goldfish Crackers (I bought 6)

  • Sale: B2G2 (Buy 2, Get 2)
  • Minus $0.55/2 MQ
  • Final Price: $1.09 ea average (mine was a little higher because I had an off count and paid a little more for two of them).

Let me break it down for the maximum savings:


Goldfish Crackers (grab 4 bags)

  • Sale Price: B2G2 at $2.59 ea
  • (2) $0.55/2 bags
  • Don’t forget your double coupon!

Here’s the math…

  • 4 bags at regular price: $10.36
  • Minus the 2 free ones: $5.38
  • Minus your MQ’s: $4.28
  • Minus your Safeway double coupon*: $3.28

Final Price Per Bag: $3.28/4= $0.82!

^Safeway double coupon specifies only four coupons up to $0.50 each can be doubled*

I hope this gets you excited about shopping this week and helps you understand more how the process works. I am always available for questions.

Happy Couponing!



Filed under Couponing, Family, Finding Balance, Other Shopping, Parenting

Summer Heat & Your Stockpile

As we experience our first warm temps in the Willamette Valley, Oregon I started wondering about my stockpile which finds its home in my garage. I started to take a look around my stockpile at items that may melt. I also started asking around the couponing blogosphere for opinions.

I found that many people stored cleaning and beauty products inside, as well as some food items. My stockpile is too big to take everything in. Plus, it seemed a majority of the people I was hearing from live in the South. I live in Oregon, except for the occasional “heat wave” (reads: 90-a very rare 100) we stay in the lower to mid 80’s.

We already moved all the candy items in and stored them in a closet. There are some other conclusions we came to, but are open to change if needed. Here are a few suggestions on what you may need to relocate during the summer months:

Health & Beauty Items

Deodorant: Our conclusion was that if unopened the deodorant should keep its shape. We are going to keep watch though and if it starts getting weepy, we’ll find a place inside.

Bar Soap: We aren’t moving it just yet, but I am going to keep an eye on it. I’ve never really dealt with bar soap, but I would think it would hold its shape pretty well.

Hair Spray & Other Aerosols: Always bring ALL aerosols in the house during the summer. Heat makes the gases expand and the container can explode or leak.

Household Cleaners

The basic idea here is to check the label. Aerosols definitely need to be temperature regulated. If you’re not sure how warm your garage or stockpile area gets consider getting a low-cost thermometer. This will help you see when you need to bring items in. With chemicals and cleaners, don’t wait until a hot day to get them in.


Non-Perishables: Anything that isn’t canned should be fine if you keep it in a dry place away from critters. The heat shouldn’t effect it too much. We are talking about side dishes, snacks and drinks (of course, you might want to toss some in the fridge before heading out to a picnic).

Canned Goods: I’ve heard from people on both sides of the fence. Some say they notice a change when canned items are left in a warmer area, some notice no change. After some research I found that canned goods are generally fine below 100°. With that said, high acid foods (like tomatoes and tropical fruit) will spoil faster than low-acid foods (like green beans and meats). One sure indicator is if your can gurgles and pops when you open it. There are other indicators of what to look for with canned goods.

Table 1. Canned food appearance defects



Safe to Consume

Brown color or dark color Oxidation or chemical breakdown of food pigments


Soft food texture Chemical breakdown of plant or animal tissue


Crystals in canned fish Magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals naturally formed

Yes, crystals dissolve with heat

White crystals in some fruits like apricots or grape juice The crystals are a natural acid-salt complex.

Yes, if food has no off odors.

Food above the liquid level in home canned foods



If you live in an area where you tend to attract critters to your garage or other storage area make sure pet food, paper products, diapers, wipes and other “nesting” items are off the floor and sealed tightly. Any that are not, should be stored inside.

While this list is not all-inclusive and I am in my first summer with a stockpile, I hope you find some helpful nuggets here. If you have any experience with extreme temps and your stockpile, please share.

UPDATE: The Krazy Coupon Lady shared a great post about food storage during summer and winter. Check it out for more info on how to store your stockpile!

Only 3 days left to enter to win the couponer starter kit with binder, coupon organizers, expandable folder for inserts and a copy of Pick Another Checkout Lane, Honey!


Filed under Beauty, Couponing, Family, Finding Balance, Giveaway, Health and Fitness